Website Privacy Test

Free online tool to test website privacy
  • Privacy Policy Review
  • Privacy-Invasive Practices Detection
  • Tracking Technologies Detection
  • Cookies & External Content Detection
3,782privacy security tests performed

Scoring Methodology

At the beginning of the test, the score is set to 100.

Website gets an "N" if a tested port is closed or HTTP status code is not 200, 301, 302, 303, 307 or 308.

The number of points changes as provided below:

The website has a privacy policy+10
The website is accessible via unencrypted HTTP protocol-50
The website is accessible via unencrypted HTTP protocol without a redirect to secure HTTPS version-40
The website has third-party cookies and the cookie consent banner is not found-25
For each tracking pixel-20
The website sets a tracker in the browser’s Local Storage-20
For each third-party cookie with lifetime longer than 3 months-5
For each third-party SLD host that makes an XHR request to the website-2
For each third-party SLD host with iframe on the website-2
For each third-party SLD host that receives sumbmitted data via a web form on the website-2
For each third-party SLD host that sets a cookie on the website-1
For each third-party SLD host that loads an image on the website-1
For each third-party SLD host that loads a JavaScript file on the website-1
For each third-party SLD host that loads a CSS file on the website-1
For each third-party SLD host that loads a media file on the website-1
For each third-party SLD host that loads a font file on the website-1
Score greater than 100
Score between 90 and 99
Score between 80 and 89
Score between 70 and 79
Score between 60 and 69
Score between 50 and 59
Score between 35 and 49
Score between 20 and 34
Score lower than 20

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