Website Privacy Test
Free online tool to test website privacy
- Privacy Policy Review
- Privacy-Invasive Practices Detection
- Tracking Technologies Detection
- Cookies & External Content Detection
3,782privacy security tests performed
Scoring Methodology
At the beginning of the test, the score is set to 100.
Website gets an "N" if a tested port is closed or HTTP status code is not 200, 301, 302, 303, 307 or 308.
The number of points changes as provided below:
Description | Score |
The website has a privacy policy | +10 |
The website is accessible via unencrypted HTTP protocol | -50 |
The website is accessible via unencrypted HTTP protocol without a redirect to secure HTTPS version | -40 |
The website has third-party cookies and the cookie consent banner is not found | -25 |
For each tracking pixel | -20 |
The website sets a tracker in the browser’s Local Storage | -20 |
For each third-party cookie with lifetime longer than 3 months | -5 |
For each third-party SLD host that makes an XHR request to the website | -2 |
For each third-party SLD host with iframe on the website | -2 |
For each third-party SLD host that receives sumbmitted data via a web form on the website | -2 |
For each third-party SLD host that sets a cookie on the website | -1 |
For each third-party SLD host that loads an image on the website | -1 |
For each third-party SLD host that loads a JavaScript file on the website | -1 |
For each third-party SLD host that loads a CSS file on the website | -1 |
For each third-party SLD host that loads a media file on the website | -1 |
For each third-party SLD host that loads a font file on the website | -1 |
Grade | Score |
A+ | Score greater than 100 |
A | Score between 90 and 99 |
A- | Score between 80 and 89 |
Grade | Score |
B+ | Score between 70 and 79 |
B | Score between 60 and 69 |
B- | Score between 50 and 59 |
Grade | Score |
C+ | Score between 35 and 49 |
C | Score between 20 and 34 |
F | Score lower than 20 |